
Sean Reville

45L Consultant
[email protected]
(617) 765-0676

Sean is a 45L Tax Consultant with Leyton. He helps builders and developers access tax credits for energy-efficient buildings through technical consulting. He provides expertise in Energy Star and Zero Energy Ready Homes programs and how they relate to federal, state, local codes and incentives. Sean graduated from St. Lawrence University and is a Certified Home Energy Rater.

About Us: As a business, we want to help unleash our client's potential and be a strategic partner in their evolution and growth. We help find openings in processes and ways of working that others can’t see, then unlock these opportunities to create value efficiency.

Our dedicated industry teams are comprised of highly experienced scientists, engineers, tax accountants, and attorneys, all of whom are motivated to help your business robustly claim and realize the R&D credit to incentivize further innovation investment.