In today’s online world, online reviews are becoming a more important aspect of managing your professional reputation, locally.
The days of sticking our head in the sand and waiting for existing clients to refer their friends are over. All it takes is one bad apple to post a flaming review online that stays up for years. That’s why doctors, lawyers and even accountants are becoming more proactive about managing their reputation online.
• Learn why reputation management is becoming more important
• Learn what tools exist to generate online reviews
• Proactively manage your reputation across various online websites like Google+, Yahoo Local, Yelp and other popular review websites
According to market research studies, 80% of US internet users trust online reviews, even from strangers. And 78% of internet users find online reviews influential. If you find yourself using reviews to select restaurants, hotels, movies and even doctors, learn more how online reviews are important for growing your accounting practice.
Why professionals need to manage their reputation online
What tools exist to generate more online reviews
How to integrate this reputation management tool into my accounting practice
Build Your Firm
Chief Marketing Officer & Co-Founder
Hugh is a co-founder of Build Your Firm and has been the Chief Marketing Officer since the inception in 2003. He has over thirty years of Marketing and Sales experience working in the consumer-packaged goods, internet media, publishing and professional services industries. Today, Hugh oversees the Outsourced Marketing Program, teaches thousands of accountants how to improve their marketing each year, writes a monthly email newsletter, blogs regularly, and is frequently published in accounting publications like CCH’s CPA Practice Management Forum, CPA Technology Advisor, Intuit’s Accountants News Central, Progressive Accountant, and numerous state society magazines. Within the accounting industry, Hugh’s talent for helping accountant’s capitalize on their strengths to create a vibrant niche is unparalleled. The range of niches that he has helped create for accounting firms is extensive. Most importantly, these niches help accountants attract higher quality leads, realize higher fees, and derive more satisfaction from their practice.
Build Your Firm
Director of Marketing
(888) 999-9800
Dawn graduated from Elon College with BA in Psychology. She has over 18 years of diversified marketing experience across a broad range of industries including banking, publishing, internet media and professional services industries. While she enjoys in all areas of marketing, she has a particular interest and expertise in new media technologies, internet marketing, website development and social media marketing. Prior to Build Your Firm Dawn was Marketing Communications Manager for a bank where she was responsible for mass media communications, direct mail marketing and Web initiatives for the bank. Prior to the bank, she was Director of Marketing for, a division of business-to-business publisher Hanley-Wood, LLC. While there Dawn was part of the team that was responsible for launching Hanley-Wood’s Web division and bringing the company’s award-winning magazines online, including industry leader BUILDER Magazine. In her spare time, Dawn enjoys spending time with her husband and two sons. Her favorite way to spend free time is reading, cooking for family and friends or tending to her ever-growing garden.